Humberside / Linconshire / Yorkshire – 29/01/10

by David Proudfoot

Humber SAC fished a biggest fish rover last Sunday morning and none of the competitors weighed in! Del Miles actually had a weighable smelt that would have swept the board but thinking that there would have been larger fish on the go the smelt was returned.

The fishing has been awful just lately, I walked along Cleethorpes beach the other day with the dog and the amount of red weed that has been washed up on the shore was astounding. I have never seen so much of this weed and cannot recall the weed being in the River Humber in such quantities. This problem is not just in this area as all areas affected by the weed seem to be devoid of fish. Fortunately the areas that were affected but have now cleared have had an influx of fish so we can hopefully look forward to an improvement as soon as the weed disappears.

There’s a lot of gossip on the go about the Marine and Coastal Access Bill and the proposed “no take” zones or marine conservation zones to give them their full title. The lead authority of the Humber and North Sea areas is an organisation called Net Gain. They have been running a series of roadshows covering the Bill’s proposals and myself and several other anglers attended the local meeting.

The Bill is liable to obtain assent and it is important that anglers ensure that their views are put forward and details of the proposals can be found on the Net Gain website, in how we can protect certain areas.

John Atkinson has asked me to let you that the trios match is going to be on the 16th May. If you are intending to put in a team then please contact John at Cleethorpes Angling Centre. It will be held along the Humber Bank Wall. The day before there will be another open along Cleethorpes Promenade, the King Pin Open which will allow visitors to make a weekend of it.

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