Namix Bullet GX moulds

by Steve Souter

With the rough seas of the winter cod season all but upon us the need for a reliable grip lead with the ability to ride out tough conditions becomes essential. Here Steve Souter reports on the latest Namix Bullet GX (Grip Xtra) mould and the impressive leads it produces.

The latest Namix Bullet GX (Grip Xtra) moulds produce grip-leads that cast tremendously well and cope with the toughest fishing conditions. Designed with deeper side grooves than the Bullet SG (Standard Grip) version, the standard gauge wires snap firmly into place and there’s ample room for the alternative, thicker 1.6mm wires that I install to handle more extreme conditions.

Namix Bullet GX mould openNamix Bullet GX mould logo

This new generation of Namix moulds is better formed and easier to work with than the first run of moulds from the South Wales based company. A clean lead is produced with no bothersome ‘flashing’ to clean off, with only the sprue excess to nip off. A wider spout makes for easier pouring and more pronounced recesses mean the mould can be quickly prised apart. The clearing wires supplied remove smoothly from the hot lead as long as they are regularly run through a lightly oiled cloth.

Leads can be made with a plain tail wire as pictured, or with the integral bait clip wire (below) that Namix supply. The 6¼ oz Bullet GX mould that I had for review produced beautiful leads without any of the fuss or sticking problems associated with many of the imported cheap moulds widely stocked in tackle shops. I was able to speedily turn out more than 20 leads before the mould became too hot and required to be set aside to cool.

Namix Bullet GX mould pull out wires Namix Bullet GX mould wiresNamix Bullet GX mould closed Namix Bullet GX mould poured weight



Winter Wonders

The finished Bullet GX is a superb lead for everything from winter cod fishing on the beaches and rocks to serious uptiding with substantial baits afloat. The aerodynamic shape common to all the various Bullet mould patterns in the Namix range casts a dream with minimal airborne wobble, while the flat rear area affords excellent in-flight and splash-down protection to clipped down baits fixed squarely in the lead’s slipstream. The pronounced 4mm deep grooves provide a secure housing for the swivel-wires to snap into, while actual wire tension is adjusted simply by teasing the wires in or out a fraction from the sides. Gripping and holding ability in rough sea conditions and stronger tides is superb, even moreso if thicker grip wires are fitted.

several Namix Bullet GX moulds

Bullet GX moulds are available in 2½, 4½, 5¾, 6¼ and 7oz versions and cost £29.99 each. Each new mould comes with accessories for 5 leads. The full range of Namix moulds and accessories can be seen and purchased via the new Namix website

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