Fishing North East announce support deals

by David Proudfoot

Ed Turnbull and Andy Copeland, the coaches at Fishing North East, have announced that Paul Hardy of Hardy boats and Moonfleet Angling has kindly offered to help the training and teaching scheme by becoming a major sponsor of Fishing North East. The sponsorship deal will enable Fishing North East to further enhance delivery of projects for new and existing anglers throughout the whole of the North East region, both shore based and afloat.

In addition, they have secured support from Ritegear, suppliers of sea angling clothing and luggage. This affiliation will allow the organisations students to wear suitable weatherproof clothing during project events throughout the North East region. The two coaches have tested these products themselves and had no hesitation in agreeing an affiliation with the whole product range.

When announcing the deals Ed Turnbull said, “We look forward to working together and bringing the expertise that is required to as many participants as possible throughout the whole of our region”.

The sponsorship support comes on top of the recent announcement that Ed had completed his British sign language level 2 refresher course and which allowed Fishing North East to register as a Deaf friendly organisation backed by the NDCS and the Me2 Deaf friendly leisure activities program.

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