
by David Proudfoot

Scophthalmus rhombus

species ID brillDistinguishing features

The brill is a close relative of the turbot which it resembles however its body is scaled and lacks the boney protuberances. The first rays of the dorsal fin are free from membranes in their upper half. The dorsal fin has 73-83 rays and the anal 56- 62. The underside is a creamy white and the upper side a sandy brown with spots which do not extend on to the tail fin. The fins tend to be lighter than the body. The body of the brill is more oval than the turbot.


The maximum weight is around 7 kg and length is 75 cm.

British Record Fish List

UK Shore Record: 7lb 7oz 8dms / 3.387kg
UK Boat Record: 16lb 0oz 0dms / 7.257kg

European Line Class Record for this species


The turbot can be found in the eastern North Atlantic, North Sea, and Baltic Sea and down to the Mediterranean. It inhabits water from the shoreline to depths of around 70 metres where the seabed is composed mainly of sand and occasionally gravel, mud or a mixture of these. Larger specimens are found on offshore sandbanks.


The brill feeds extensively on fish, particularly sandeels together with crustaceans and squid.


Long thin fillets of mackerel or launce are a favourite bait as are live or dead large sandeels.

species ID brill

Turbot on the left and brill on the right

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