Weather Finally Settles On Lancashire Coast

by Jordan Russell

lancashire latest news logoThings are still just getting back to normal after the constant recent gales which battered the Lancashire coast. Fingers crossed the worst is now over and the anglers can start getting back out on the shore and boats.

Fleetwood and District Angling Club were lucky that their club match was at Stanah, this meant that the strong wind was not much of a problem.

It is still a bit early in the season for fishing this venue, but the results although not good were encouraging. Eleven club member’s fished and ten caught fish, admittedly only one each but some good flounder were caught.

John Hughes was on target for a win but as Kevin Blundell reeled in for the last time the bite he had just had produced a 41cm flounder, just pipping John for the win.


1st Kevin Blundell 2 flounder 43 points

2nd John Hughes 3 flounder 40 points

3rd Dave Wilson 4 flounder 19 points

4th John Hodgson 1 flounder 16 points

5th Dave Brown 2 founder 9points

6th Ray Rodger 2 flounder 6 points

7th equal Mark Taylor / Ken Forrest 1 flounder 5 points

8th Ken Stubbs 1 flounder 4 points

Crab fished well as did worm tipped with shellfish.

Next week’s match is for the heaviest flatfish at Marine Beach.

Dave Brown with a cod he caught at low water

Dave Brown with a cod he caught at low water this week using live yellow tails for bait

Leyland and District Sea Angling Club fished their latest match at Otterspool. Joint first were Fred Howard and Stuart Pilkington each with a 49cm cod, scoring 60 points.

They were followed by Peter Pilkington with a 46cm cod, 48 points and fourth placed Andrew Booth had two cod worth 19 points. Fifth spot went to Martin Darwin with a cod and a whiting for 11 points. The raffle was also won by Andy Booth. Thanks again to the nine members who turned out for the match.

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