Damiltech Tackle Solutions Bait Up Fork Review

by John Popplewell

Damiltech Tackle Solutions’ motto is “Think outside the box for solutions inside the box” and that’s a fair comment. Damiltech have come up with some great ideas to keep your tackle box tidy from lid lifts to micro fibre fishing towels.

Damiltech Bait Up Fork two and three prong versions

Damiltech Bait Up Fork two and three prong versions

Their latest innovation is a baiting needle with a difference. We are all used to those single steel strand baiting needle that you put in your tackle box and immediately stab your fingers on it trying to find it, or put it down on the beach only to find it has miraculously disappeared!

Bait Up Fork

Damiltech Tackle Solutions produce two retractable baiting needles, not just one for single bait but also another with three prongs so you can mix your baits.

Damiltech Bait Up Fork baiting up

Damiltech Bait Up Fork ready for whipping

The body of the baiting needle is made from a strong cylindrical plastic with a slider button along the length which enables you to slide the button up to extend the prongs to their maximum. I tested the triple pronged baiting needle over a period of time with different baits, but for the review I used a slice of squid on one prong and a local caught sprat on the other, the third prong has a hollow at the end so you can place the point of your hook with the hook trace laying along the needles.

Wrapping Made Easy

Both the baiting needles are splayed slightly outwards which helps for baiting up and giving some spring for wrapping the elastic cotton which closes the needles tightly. Once wrapped it is just a case of either manually slipping the bait off the needle or sliding the button down which retracts the prongs and hey presto, a perfect bait.

Damiltech Bait Up Fork baiting up

Damiltech Bait Up Fork whipped bait

As with all reviewed items I have used the Damiltech baiting needle for a while now and have had no problems at all.

Safe and Secure

The simple things like finding my baiting needle and once finding it keeping hold of it has always been a problem, but this Damiltech handheld retractable baiting needle has solved those problems and is now a permanent item in my tackle box.

Damiltech Bait Up Fork completed bait

Damiltech Bait Up Fork completed bait

Summing up, a great little addition to the tackle box, easy to find and with its retractable needles and no more stabbed fingers!

The Damiltech Retractable Bait Up Fork– 3 Prong Version retails at £5.49

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